Gerlach Highway Clean-up
by Phillipe Steinmann
The 447 Highway clean up is an ongoing project initiated by the Burning Man organization and then followed by Friends of Black Rock High Rock. In March of 2024 Laura Blaylock sponsored my original effort, I then was excited by the project and decided to continue on my own. Having participated with BM and FBRHR in the past, I knew both efforts are limited by time and therefore could not be as thorough as needed. My outings consist in filling up 4 to 5 five gallon buckets which in turn fill a contractor bag and walking away from the highway in an effort to collect most of what is not visible when driving. After a dozen outings and having collected about three hundred pounds of various debris, I have reached the halfway point between the railroad tracks in Gerlach and Empire. Always on the lookout for trash, I started addressing Highway 34 in the Hualapai about 12 miles north of Gerlach. Onward! Join us as we continue to work together to be STEWARDS and reach our annual goal of 1000 lbs. of trash removed.
Phillipe Steinmann has been an active steward of the BRD for many years. During that time he has removed over 300lbs of trash and shared his dedication to the health and accessibility of the Playa with residents and visitors.