2024 – 2025 Calendar & Goals
- Outreach – April, Attend and participate in Earth Day
- Outreach – May, Attend and support Black Rock Rendezvous
- Outreach – June 1st, Participate in National Trails Day
- Outreach – July, 4th of Juplaya
- Outreach – August, Perseid Meteor Shower Campout
- Outreach – Sept 28th, Public Lands Day 2024 Goals
- Complete Volunteer Agreement with BLM for monitoring
- Develop and set up account in the GEO platform and Survey 123 for gathering of:
▪ visitor statistical information as outlined by BLM
▪ trail conditions
▪ road conditions
▪ dispersed camping
▪ dump sites
▪ vandalism - Enter into a MOU with BLM to develop a draft brochure(s)
▪ Historical trails for self-guided motorized vehicle tours
▪ Responsible disbursed camping highlighting the three BLM cabins - Guru Road – develop documentary podcasts for oral history program and a direct service restoration project
- Low Power FM (LPFM) license (license approved) – KBRU – Black Rock University
▪ Build the physical plant to broadcast BRD news, safety and public service announcements, information, Education and historical programs, KBRU – Black Rock University
▪ Secure partner subscribers who will utilize the air time for public service announcements and educational programing - Develop/plan group historical trips
- Develop/publish Membership trifold
- Develop/publish Stewards Newsletter
- Complete Nevada Humanities Grant to help with Guru Road Project expenses
- Complete application for Nevada OHV Grant for signage and supplies for gathering visitor statistical information
- Complete application for Nevada State Parks RTP grant for signage and supplies for OHV educational and safety programs
- Explore development of Northern Nevada Sustainable Recreation Partnership with Black Rock Desert area stakeholders 2025 Goals
▪ Complete BLM Volunteer Agreement
▪ Receive a BLM Assistance Agreement
▪ Enter into a BLM MOU
▪ Continue 2024 activities and projects
▪ Explore the possibility of forming a partnership with GO Gerlach Trail Initiative to provide services for OHV users.
▪ Continue OHV Staging Area project development
o Identify potential partners
o Acquire site authorization
o Design site
o Apply for funding
▪ Design templates using currently approved BLM documents for Interpretative, safety, and responsible recreation signage (see draft signage proposal attached) that could be used for both stationary and mobile presentations.
▪ Work with partner organizations on signage
o BLM Winnemucca District Office
o Nevadans for Cultural Preservation
o Nevada OHV Commission
o Tread Lightly!
o Washoe County
o Any Gerlach community stakeholders
▪ Work with partner organizations on OHV Safety programs
o Nevada Outdoor Schools
o Renown Medical Center
o Tread Lightly!
o Friends of Black Rock High Rock
o Nevada OHV Commission
o Local OHV businesses
▪ Develop non-motorized activities including E-Bikes and equestrian
The above identified goals and activities align with the Ten-Year Plan, Vision and Mission statements of Stewards of the Black Rock Desert.